
How to store EKL in a safe for a certain period of time

  1. EKL holders can move to a tab by clicking the locker on the top tab after logging in

2. After moving to the locker tab, you can check the following contents.

❶: EKL holders can see the EKL status, and it includes the following in more detail.

  1. Claimable EKL : The number of EKL obtained as a reward for staking LP tokens.

  2. EKL Balance : The total number of EKL the user has.

  3. Locked EKL : The number of EKL locked by the user in the safe.

  4. Expired : EKL can be received after the lock period is over. If you would like to receive part or all of the EKL amount, you can claim it by clicking the Unstake button next to the number in the EKL on the right.

  5. Due Date : It indicates the unlocking date and time of the EKL locked in the safe by the user.

  6. vEKL Amount : It indicates the current amount of vEKL.

Field ❷: This is the part where userS directly type the amount of EKL he wants to deposit.

Field ❸: You can see the amount of vEKL you will receive depending on how long you want to lock the EKL you entered in step ❷ in the safe. (The quantity of vEKL is weighted according to the lockup period

3. If you enter the amount of EKL you want to save, you can check the vEKL that users can receive according to the lockout period in field ❸.

4. After selecting the desired storage period, click the Review Lock button to check the storage information.

5. After selecting the desired storage period, click the Review Lock button to confirm the storage information and proceed with storage.* However, if the user is using EKL for the first time, access to EKL must be approved within Eclipse.

6. After the wallet approves and confirms the transaction, you can see the following message.

Last updated